Thursday, March 24, 2011

International Food Bloggers Auction for Japan

International Food Bloggers Auction for Japan: A Little Help Goes A Long Way

This what Aparna writes on her website.

Marie - ( I thought of sharing this with you . A Little Help goes a Long Way

Everyday we read of the devastating effect the earthquake and tsumani has left on the Japanese who have been brave but need a lot of help, monetary or otherwise. Let us all join together and help them in our own little way. It's all for a good cause. God will bless us abundantly for our efforts. )

Aparna writes - On the 11th of March, 2011, most of us woke up to the horrifying news that the north-east coast of Japan had been hit by a massive earthquake, one of the worst known to man. Registering 9.0 on the Richter scale, the earthquake set off a 10m high Tsunami, caused a nuclear emergency and left thousands of people devastated.

Time and time again, the human spirit has proved indestructible in the face of destruction and despair and people in Japan are slowly trying to pick up the pieces and get back to the business of living and helping each other towards a normal life. The rest of the world must do whatever it can towards this end and no help or effort can be too small to count.

In an effort to lend a helping hand, in a perhaps small but meaningful manner, Asha came up with an idea of raising funds through an International Food Bloggers Auction for Japan. This Auction is a contributive effort by a small group of food bloggers across the world using their passion for food to raise funds the Japanese Red Cross Society to be used towards their earthquake relief work.

Please do visit her website for more details.

Asha writes - The International Food Bloggers Auction for Japan is a contributive effort from these bloggers to raise funds for the Japanese Red Cross Society towards their disaster relief efforts. Each blogger has pledged an item that will be auctioned to be sold to the highest bidder.

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